Saturday, December 26, 2009


For the first time in months, all of the Herseys are taking time out to relax. Indulging in foods, drinks, games and pointless activities associated with this festival called christmas, associated for a variety of reasons from commerce to religion via custom and habit. Its the pointlessness that has appealed most, as for the first time in ages we are indulging in that which is of little benefit either physically or mentally, but which feels quite good.

Interesting however, how quickly the dark recesses of one's mind throw up nagging doubts and guilty panic's about the workload awaiting us on our return, the tasks left undone, the jobs and preparations as yet untouched... its only boxing day and they are kicking in already. Even Matilda was lamenting the end of our fun even before the sun had set on Christmas Day...

Fortunately, the panic is tinged with a sliver of anticipation and eagerness to get creating, or achieving, once again.

Monday, December 7, 2009

New work

New show is titled 'Fakir', and aims to showcase the talents and phenomena of illusionists, magicians and fraudsters. I am returning to familiar ground with some back-to-brushes simplicity. Smaller too. This is Whistlin Rufus.