So I have around 10 days with which to indulge myself... its just the boys in the house, Kelly has gone back to england to pick up our daughter after her bold independent England trip.. a valuable exercise. What it means is 10 days of painting, blogging, researching, housekeeping, holidayplanning and drinking, basically. Already today I have spent 6 hours painting a portrait of a boy that I started about 6 months ago. I have been a little lost, well actually completely screwed creatively since the start of the year. The watercolours that I have been working on for Thomas (my gallery) have been pretty much all shite- labour intensive and weak in production, they just basically dont cut the mustard. The reference is partly at fault, but Ive been slaving away with what Ive got- some look ok but its not what I would consider the best possible kick ass work that Nick Hersey would like Shanghai to know him for... then again nor is the work that is currently being exhibited at Arch. Its a great theme, and theres a good project in there somewhere... but the stickers just arent as good as Id like them to be. Anyway, a day spent at the canvas today has gone some way to allaying fears and lack of self confidence that have been brewing since feb. Not that the work is dynamic, its just passable... but thats a lot to me right now. I aim to get a few pieces done over the next 10 days, and hopefully get back on track with some stuff that Thomas might be able to exhibit in the autumn...

As you can see its a bit of a monster at 2m x 1m, and it fills up our little rabbit hutch... but its going ok for today wahey
I think it looks great, though I would get some better lighting in there so you see the fuck what you are doing!!!!!!!