...between folkmusic, stroytelling and drawing, there is a little glowing aura of prefection, and it is this aura to which I am currently aspiring. The home made aeshteic, the raw canvas, the back to basics approach to intellectual rigour are all traits that could summarise my latest works, but somehow they are not achieveing any sense of completion, finish or perfection as guaged by the general public.
Its a funny thing. I am going against the grain, I guess, and Im producing these big drawn studies of nothing in particular.... and Im doing it for very sophisticated and solid reasons. Yet when I turn away, and when random consciousnesses gaze upon them, they apparently wither to trite stylistic illustration.
Its a shame, but not a disaster. Like the tree falling silently in the unmanned forest (which, in itself, must by now be a misnomer or imaginary scenario)my work shines its simplicity into a dark void of fashion-obsessed ignorance. An arena in which photorealism and standing or establishment go much further to garner you with praises, than humble folk art and honesty.
I have been striving for 10 years to learn the art of drawing on a final and finished scale- to a standard that would celebrate the quality of the line, the honesty of the eye and so on- and having finally achieved it I find that nobody else can see, or wants to see such rude clarity.
Like many before me I am sure- probably even my greatest hero the Shoreham Valley legend Samuel Palmer- my vision of bounty, my glory in the achievement of simplicity- will go unnoticed or merely ignored for now, and possibly evermore... but that seems no great travesty to me now really. For in its simplicity, it demands of its creator nothing more than recognition of its creation, and still less of any one else who happens to ingest its vision- it is after all merely a drawing- a simple pure and perfect drawing- a mere record on canvas of the vision of its creator in a given concentrated period of reflection. And in that zen like simplicity, in that Palmeresque moment of clarity, I find solace, and honest humility.