So the arch cafe project is nearing the sharp end... I was supposed to have a meeting with the gallery owner about my installation, but fortunately for me he cancelled, whic hbuys me 2 more days to polish my artwork (though many say you cannot polish a turd, a phrase of which I am most fond).
Anyway heres where we are at. Initially the factior which bound me to the punk band 'loudspeaker' was the fact that we were both independent artists. Now however, and since I cannot in fact find anyone to translate the lyrics of their songs to english, my plan of a cartoon like storyboard of their songs with my graphics just wont work...(apparently its not possible to translate from chinese to english - it just does not work, there are not enough agreed parallels in the languages to make any useable translation worth its effort....)
So I had the brainwave of contrasting the maoist manifesto of the cultural revolution with the punk manifesto of any given era. Its working quite well, and some of the hrases from the situationist manifesto that inspired the punk movement in the 70's, are echoed by the mao literature of the same era, but for different reasons. Add this to the fact that Punk is only able to exist in China today because China actually has developed a consumerist bourgeoise worth rebelling against, and you have a delicious multi layering of references- albeit doubtless lost on any punters to the installation once it is up and running. Ho hum....
Anyway, heres a taster of where we're at so far...