Muted shades, muffled acoustics, soft ice falling, grey slush skidding...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Am I getting through?

AM I GETTING IT? is it going anywhere? SOmetimes I feel its going so well, then I look around me and I just melt away into insignificance. Sometimes I shine, more often I lag... I just cant seem to produce anything, I cant achieve anything worth the effort of completing it... compositions out, colour's off, sloppy, unfinished. Ill thought out. Actually fairly laborious on the thought, but maybe thats the problem. Scribbling- school pencil case, desk, heartthrob, dreams, aspirations, distractions...PRC anyone?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
There are trucks on the streets. They are seen everywhere in Pudong. It's because of the large amount of construction in this district I suppose. They are all blue, of identical design, and very rarely seen without huge mounds of grey, dense claylike matter piled into the back. They trundle around noisily, slops falling from the skip and leaving little breadcrumbs of toxicity. Occasionally you see whole loads of slop, dropped casually- sometimes at the side of, sometimes in the middle of- major thouroughfares and dual carriageways. You will see little groups of men armed with small trowels and shovels dodging the cars to scoop the muck into the back of a blue truck.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
pop wannabees
Friday, January 18, 2008
worlds most boring photo
Well, it almost is. This is a really small car. On those grounds alone this photo makes it into the blog of shame.
I have actually got some new paintings, and further work on existing paintings that you havent seen, which I guess makes them new anyway, and oh i nearly forgot some new drawings, well one maybe.
Anyway all counts for nought if YOU cant see em so bugger it all anyway. Ill scan em tomorrow.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
On my walk home...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
More difficult than I thought

Yes just more whingeing... this is trickier than I thought, I feel busier than ever and its only tuesday of the first working week of 2008 and Im already behind. Still, have found the time to walk home from school which has indeed provided a refreshing return to thinking time and contemplative silence- noticeable now by its absence during xmas with the family. As for keeping the PPM up (posts per month) I may have to continue to wad out the posts with random images, ....
actually this is a rather exciting little preview of the biggest thing that will happen in 2008 fir shure...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
F*ck leatherbound sketchbooks the fuck do people think that because it is scrawled in a moleskine notebook it becomes worthy of some kind of stupid acclaim. If you can make a drawing look good on a post it note then you deserve respect, if you draw in a moleskine, any old shite looks good. Fuck you.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Welcome to 2008...
...Unless of course you live in China (New year happens in early Feb) or Thailand (its already the year 2550 in the Royal Kingom)...
For the rest of you welcome to another great year of blogging. Resolutions? Get beyond a post every two days and beef my monthly average beyond 20 (nearly there in December)...Learn Mandarin...Become famous(yes really)...Keep in touch with you lot a bit more (a few 'comments'[use the button below] coming back this way wouldnt go amiss)...draw more nicer to the kids...get an agent...drop the debt (thats a personal plea to Lloyds TSB card services, not the world bank) :)
For the rest of you welcome to another great year of blogging. Resolutions? Get beyond a post every two days and beef my monthly average beyond 20 (nearly there in December)...Learn Mandarin...Become famous(yes really)...Keep in touch with you lot a bit more (a few 'comments'[use the button below] coming back this way wouldnt go amiss)...draw more nicer to the kids...get an agent...drop the debt (thats a personal plea to Lloyds TSB card services, not the world bank) :)
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