Tuesday, November 27, 2007
New tighter measures for your pleasure
In moment of clarity yesterday I decided to introduce some level of art historical context, at least some level of critique. Much of what I produce, think, say etc is in fact rubbish and though it can be construed as valid in terms of an honest cataloging of one 'stream of consciousness', I think it only serves to confuse and muddy the context of my output- visually at least. Therefore some images have now been 'graded' and accordingly re-represented, in an attempt to clarify what it is I am trying to say. I will not at this stage be assessing the written contributions to this blog, though one painful entry springs to mind as worthy of immediate deletion. Any comments will be welcomed which can provide some critical assessment of the written content- please feel free to recommend posts for deletion or which you find offensive, either in their nature or by their pointlessness. Comments also welcome on visual entries as well, of course.
Monday, November 26, 2007
White cake for everyone
As he swung higher, he laughed more- until the turning point at which he would begin to become scared and then beg for static- plead for cessation and to just slow down a bit or stop pushing daddy.
The air was white- sorry the sky was white. But the air was white- the sky was a tangible, solid, vapourous mass which engulfled all and obscured everything more than maybe 100 ft away. And the air tasted white. That which you breathed was actually noticeable by its blandness- to detect a quality of the air distinguishes it as noticeable and impure- air is for breathing- for automatically ingesting subconsciously without trace or inconvenience, if you can feel the air you are breathing, if you notice that you are breathing, then somethings up- the airs not right- its there and it shouldnt be.
So as he screamed and laughed, begged for more and at once pleaded cessation on the fibreglass dolphin swing in the park, he gulped and guffawed his way through lung after lung of this bland air- well thats all I could think anyway. I wasnt enjoying his shrieks as much as I could be, because part of me was thinking - 'yeah what is that bland taste- come to think of it who is burning plastic, electrics or something- some great distance away... who has left the heating element on and gone out, in some obscure location 20 miles away that I can barely detect. Yet detect it I can- like that strange phenomenon of only being able to smell the rotting chicken meat left in a forgotten corner of a student kitchen, when you turn your head suddenly, or open a cupboard.. only detectable ever so vaguely...
I had imagined that autumnal climactic normalities had precipitated this thick and claustrophobic atmosphere- you know its exactly the same as that oppressive feeling you get when the sky is heavy with snow yet has not yet begun- when the cloaking is of sound as well as of visual- that solid white sky... yet this was not snow. It was cold, but not cold enough for snow. The caustic plastic being burned miles away, the mysterious milky tangibility- blandness- detectable and threatening to all who would pause to think about it... this heavy whiteness that iggy shrieked in as he played in the park, that I breathed as I read on the bench- this was not snow, it was not entirely natural in its composition. It was not an interesting foible of meteorology. No it was the second day of its kind since I arrived in Shnaghai- the second day in which I suspect the climactic conditions conspired to condense and concentrate the city's heartfelt industrial outpourings instead of dutifully whisking them out to sea or up to the hills. For the second time only the veil had been lifted on the true nature of this air we live and breathe in. When he brings his son to playgrounds like these, will they be white? Or will China have been ordered to catch up...
The air was white- sorry the sky was white. But the air was white- the sky was a tangible, solid, vapourous mass which engulfled all and obscured everything more than maybe 100 ft away. And the air tasted white. That which you breathed was actually noticeable by its blandness- to detect a quality of the air distinguishes it as noticeable and impure- air is for breathing- for automatically ingesting subconsciously without trace or inconvenience, if you can feel the air you are breathing, if you notice that you are breathing, then somethings up- the airs not right- its there and it shouldnt be.
So as he screamed and laughed, begged for more and at once pleaded cessation on the fibreglass dolphin swing in the park, he gulped and guffawed his way through lung after lung of this bland air- well thats all I could think anyway. I wasnt enjoying his shrieks as much as I could be, because part of me was thinking - 'yeah what is that bland taste- come to think of it who is burning plastic, electrics or something- some great distance away... who has left the heating element on and gone out, in some obscure location 20 miles away that I can barely detect. Yet detect it I can- like that strange phenomenon of only being able to smell the rotting chicken meat left in a forgotten corner of a student kitchen, when you turn your head suddenly, or open a cupboard.. only detectable ever so vaguely...
I had imagined that autumnal climactic normalities had precipitated this thick and claustrophobic atmosphere- you know its exactly the same as that oppressive feeling you get when the sky is heavy with snow yet has not yet begun- when the cloaking is of sound as well as of visual- that solid white sky... yet this was not snow. It was cold, but not cold enough for snow. The caustic plastic being burned miles away, the mysterious milky tangibility- blandness- detectable and threatening to all who would pause to think about it... this heavy whiteness that iggy shrieked in as he played in the park, that I breathed as I read on the bench- this was not snow, it was not entirely natural in its composition. It was not an interesting foible of meteorology. No it was the second day of its kind since I arrived in Shnaghai- the second day in which I suspect the climactic conditions conspired to condense and concentrate the city's heartfelt industrial outpourings instead of dutifully whisking them out to sea or up to the hills. For the second time only the veil had been lifted on the true nature of this air we live and breathe in. When he brings his son to playgrounds like these, will they be white? Or will China have been ordered to catch up...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Getting the groove back on
Just recoiling from the unusual glow of knocking out a satisfactory illustration, that on the surface of it I feel happy with. Like coming full circle, my return to acrylics for this piece is a satisfying completion of what seems like a long (12-15month) roaming experiment through other media. Though I am not rejecting the competent pulp of watercolours, this success in my traditional medium seems to somehow consolidate my skills rather than provide problems of selecting a style. My style is painting, irrespective of media- unfortunately, the industry generally recognises the medium before the man- thats chris kasch the acrylic guy, or that scandinavian watercolorist ... Not sure how I might overcome that...http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Pure poetry
Just returned from a beautiful weekend in Hang Zho... And as I have lost this year's digital camera (a canon ixus 700) decided that I would instead capture the essence and beauty of the weekend by writing a poem rather than take a picture... to that end I have to note a few key things that moved me... the afternoon sunlights as it creeped over the hillside and just managed to capture th tree trunks on the hillside. Then there was the little electric boats that carried -arrghe alas I am too drunk to get this down properly (indeed I apologise or the use of alas- but alan bennets alice in wonderland accompanies my daughter Matilda's slumber as it approaches and its flavour is quite contagious...) the boats carried young couples beneath the little canvas canopies, and the funny rubberised steeringwheels whose use affected little the orientation of the boats as the wind was strong and most boats had ended up in the nook at the end of the lake and then struggled to get away to any purpose from the dull corner of the lake in which they found themselves... also I remember the groups of capped pensioners, or grouped pensioners, or smiling pensioners- all grouped and boating or walking and usually smiling, spitting and shouting or all of the above... also after my morning walk to the top of the mountain behind our hostel, equiped only with my son whose early waking precipitated such a walk, which encouraged me to think on the nature of man's obsession with walking up to or over things- as on my walk at 6am I encountered huge numbers of walking fellow morning risers, all either returning from or tramping towards the peak of the mount- enough already...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Breaking at the elbows
One thing that becomes apparent as I cast my memory back over the last 3 months of contributing, with a lazy eye and torpid wrist, is that the overall flavour, the gist and direction, seems to be a whinging self pitying and paltry kind of squirming around this notion of poor old tortured me, how difficult I have it here in my creative ivory tower. This odour, this washing left in the machine over night and only starts to reek as the body heat warms it up type dawning of understanding I am now seeing as I peruse all that is written before me is a little disturbing. It is unsettling because the odour is lying- it is not actually telling the truth as it seeps from the page like invisible mist, carbon dioxide maybe, as it lies to people about the teenage angsty artistry of struggle... because it is not artistry or struggle that I have tried to capture. It runs deeper. To whinge, to bemoan, to lambast the world which I have created for myself as a creator, a creative, is teenage and angsty. Perhaps even cowfold. Thats what I am not doing. What I am doing started at a cafe in Prague, at a small metal table, tin like and rocking, as the elbows of Jody and me rocked the ideas and the round metal back and forwards from one to the other. As he reached up to relieve his mouth of the rolled up cigarette, so the table would rock to me, and as I reached for another sip of my beer bottled, so the rocking would incline jodywards, usually carrying on its crest another idea, or same idea half volleyed back. Other than the table's unique movement, the other crystal memory is of the ash tray- loaded with greyed burned golden virginia, and atop this a beautiful and perfect mobius strip, roughly fashioned from daler rowney sketchbook page and cellotape (or was it purely saliva and epiphany that held togeher its magic ends?), as sole testimony to the previous three hours' interchange and rocking, to the world-changing universe-encompassing god-devouring art that we had just created, baptised and inaugurated to the world at large. What I meantersay, is that the creative thread that runs through this encounter, and as many after it, through the creative encounters that perforated our remaining 2 years at college, and indeed beyond, was actually my/our chosen language, voice, artistic being-reason-style-whatever you'd like to try and pigeonhole it with using your cumbersome and clumsy written language. What Jody and I discovered there in prague, aside from the worldchanginguniverseencompassinggoddevouring ideas themselves, was the mechanic of, the route to, the method to our collective madnesses, In discussing 'it', 'that', 'them', 'us', 'art', (or more diabolically 'illustration') we were happily and gaily producing the finest work either of us had ever achieved (...jody will I hope forgive me for tying his greatest achievements to this particular phenomenon, which so blindly ignores his entirely competent and beautiful canon of figurative painting, his photography and his sculpture, not to mention his writing- though indeed that may have had lots to owe to our 'art of conversation'...) Its was thus that our joint exhibition, my first and finest hour, was conceived and executed. Show and Tell was a hastily thrown together and beautifully opportune carpe diem, an ambitious and dynamic crystallisation of the rocking table, the stella artois, the elbows and the cheap crystal ashtray. When the Hoxton Biblioteque folded, and shrank back into the minds of its creators, no doubt leaving debtors and sobbing partners, it left a vacuum on the corner of Old Street and Pitfield Street. It was a shell in which the vacuum was allowed to exist for just a handful of weeks, two of which Jody and I procured for the handsome fee of 200 quid. To have a gallery in hoxton to yourself, for 2 weeks, for 200 new english pounds was at this time (to us) a miracle. On reflection the fact that it was not a gallery but an empty shell with some DeWalt industrial flourescent tubing left over from the demolition of the biblioteque, and not much else, was probably the reason for the nominal fee. That and the fact that it was completely illegal, and if some person of even vauguest legal persuasion had bothered to notice the exhibition at any time during its glorious 2 weeks, they would have notified the authorities and we would have been arrested for squatting. This aside, the environment suited our needs perfectly. Jody and I spent £30 and 36 straight hours constructing 18 5'x2' canvasses with cheap B&Q timber and end of line canvas from covent garden in my one bed flat in victoria park road. We then hauled the canvasses to Old street in a wheel barrow via Hackney Road, and hung the primed blanks on the wall. Over the next 3 nights Jody and I resumed our dynamics and conversations, this time aided with diagramatics and explicatory glossaries and thumbnails. The ideas swung from the nature of art, illustration, creativity and the contradictions between the three, to religious literatures and different types of lager. We covered the reason behind exhibiting, for a person, an artist or an animal. We probably covered the legal implications of mounting a display in someone elses old biblioteque, without prior consent. It was a beautiful, fresh, immature and precocious effort. The end result was not entirely satisfying, neither for the creators nor viewers. It was however entirely honest. It was also the starting point, the launch pad, the seed crystal for this and any other blog I may attempt to produce. When I smell that odour- the clothes in the machine too long reek, the whingeing self important self pathetic struggling rant- I am reminded that I am not whingeing, not reeking, not pathetic... I am merely carrying on where I left off. The conversation has not changed. Perhaps the medium reflects the decade- and indeed we are tuned in to mono (logue) not stereo- but the essence is the same- shit the whole thing is the same. Its the same dialogue, the same conversation, the same voice- its the same fucking day as the dawn that broke in prague at the elbows.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Good 'n Crooked
"In order to produce good work, in order to be a succesful illustrator, one needs to have a nice line. A really nice, soulful, warm, deliberate line. And one needs a good 'n crooked imagination- a kinda twisted, mirrored, awkard-to-front thought pattern that put 2+2 together and gets fries." - Discuss...
{aside I have neither... my line- whilst acceptablein pencil on paper will not reproduce to any effect in process, and is thus redundant. My ideas are at times vague, usually irrelevant, and generally impractical as I cannot articulate them in any visual capacity anyway- watercolour, drawing or painting. Those works which I consider have succeeded are merely decorative matter which contain neither of the above (self defined) illustrative prerequesites, and thus my work neither succeeds nor satisfies.}
{aside I have neither... my line- whilst acceptablein pencil on paper will not reproduce to any effect in process, and is thus redundant. My ideas are at times vague, usually irrelevant, and generally impractical as I cannot articulate them in any visual capacity anyway- watercolour, drawing or painting. Those works which I consider have succeeded are merely decorative matter which contain neither of the above (self defined) illustrative prerequesites, and thus my work neither succeeds nor satisfies.}
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
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